Just Pin It and Follow Me!

Follow Me and Invite Friends

For my two children ages 11 and 18, social media is second nature to them.  As I think about how churches today have become fewer and less crowded, I can begin to understand some of the reasons for that.  I don’t quite qualify as the baby boomer generation, but as an older generation, it was and is our responsibility to share our faith and values with younger generations and generations to come.  In the past, we could stop by a friend’s house for coffee, write a letter, or pick up the phone and dial a number, just for someone to talk to.  Some folks still do all these things, but I can guess that those still using these methods of communication are not younger than 40+.  Today, communication happens by text, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest, etc.  If we don’t reach younger generations and invite them to church, soon there will be no church.  Some of you have probably heard the phrase, “be a witness  and spread the word”.  When you hear that phrase, you might picture someone in a suit walking down the street, holding a bible in their hand, talking about God to everyone they see.  Today, if someone is doing this, chances are, many would not even notice; however, if you become friends on facebook, like a page, pin a board, tweet a message, snap a chat, or Instagram, everyone will notice.

I am learning how to use Pinterest.  I have created a Board called Thomaston Assembly of God on my site.  In this board I have pinned items I felt might be a resource for you and your everyday walk with God.  I also have resources that the church can use to help promote volunteerism, etc. I encourage you to check out my site: Be sure to follow me and invite your friends to follow me as well.

https://www.pinterest.com/brownwinterbott/thomaston-assembly-of-god/A Snip of Pin

Some of the pins that I have included on this site include the following: Teaching Kids a 5 Step Method for having their own Personal Bible Study Time.  I thought this might be helpful, as I have sometimes found it difficult to hold my child’s interest in devotion time.  Sometimes it can be difficult for children to understand the scripture.  This pin will help provide you with ideas on how to teach your child to have their own time to read God’s word and pray.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Daily Bible Study:  This pin provides you with resources for your own bible study time.  It offers you free bible journal pages, uplifting scripture images, and devotionals available for all to use! Color Coding Bible scripture during Bible studies is a great idea that it offers. Check it out.

One of my favorite pins is “The Prayer Jar” Such a good idea to remind us to give our worries to Jesus and leave them there!   Sometimes we need that physical act of letting go and what better way then to write it down, tear it off, and throw it in a jar to rid yourself of the burden and give it to God.

A last featured pin I want to point out is the Pastor Pins.  You will find photo’s of the Pastor of Thomaston Assembly of God; Jon and Heather and the Assistant Pastor; Josh and Hepsi.  These are precious people who will be a support to you and your family.  I encourage you to check it out and make a date on your calendar to stop by and visit them some Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. on 14 Roxbury Street.  See you soon!!!



Lord, Show Me How To Love Like You!!